Simpósio sobre vacinação no atual contexto pandêmico: um relato de experiência




Vacinação, saúde pública, imunização, educação em saúde



Introduction: In the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, Brazil has reached the second highest death toll due to the infection by the new coronavirus. Despite the advance of vaccination in the country, a spread of fake news about the functioning and success of vaccines has put in evidence the need to educate the population, especially students in the health areas, about these immunization agents. Therefore, this report aims to describe the experiences of this event and encourage the realization of others that approach the same theme.

Experience report: The activity “I IFMSA Brazil XXX Immunization Symposium” was conceived during an Activity Planning Meeting, where its eight (8) coordinators were selected. Entries were made through the Even3 platform, and the dissemination occurred through publications on Instagram and WhatsApp. The event took place online, via YouTube broadcasts, in four (4) meetings between March 22 and 30, 2021. The lectures were conducted by two doctors and a nurse, and the last meeting was a round table with the two first.

Discussion: The public identified great satisfaction with the knowledge acquired at the event, based on the broad, dynamic and easy-to-understand approach of the speakers. The participants' satisfaction with the opportunity to understand the mechanisms, efficiency and importance of Covid-19 vaccines in facing the current pandemic stands out.

Conclusion: The event expanded the participants' knowledge about the vaccination process and demystified preconceptions with reliable information.  Participants reported being prepared to promote health education in their communities, which is an essential condition in the context of the pandemic. Thus, the importance of promoting other activities with similar proposals is emphasized in order to reiterate information about how immunization can prevent and eradicate diseases.


Keywords: Vaccination; Public Health; Immunization; Health Education.



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How to Cite

Belo Ramos da Silva L, Tavares de Arruda A, Carvalho Fonseca e Albuquerque AS, Hirt Ribeiro AV, Arcuri Cavalcanti G, Lemes Gondin de Oliveira M, da Silva Sampaio Medrado T, Sales Rocha VM, Medeiros de Ataides AM. Simpósio sobre vacinação no atual contexto pandêmico: um relato de experiência . BMS [Internet]. 2022 Mar. 27 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];6(9):248. Available from:

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