


Gender-Based Violence, Mental Health Assistance, Sexual and Reproductive Health


Introduction: Historically, violence against women has always existed, but has been little discussed in society. With the creation of public policies, like the Maria da Penha law, and feminism's valorization, the need to speak more about female's empowerment and freedom in the familiar context came up for discussion. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to describe the experiences that occurred during the event, in addition to stimulating the occurrence of similar events. Experience report: This report was based on experiences ocurred, during the COVID-19 pandemic, at online roundtables at  November 26, 27 e 30, through the plataform YouTube, during the activity “Uma Maria Vai Com As Outras”. 190 individuals subscribed to the event through Even3. Participants answered questionnaires before and after the roundtables, the content of which was clarified to those who agreed to answer them. Discussion: Through the impact assessment, made possible by the responses to the questionnaires, it is possible to infer not only the knowledge provided at the round tables, but also how little is known about the attitude of health professionals towards the victims of violence against women. It was a moment of opportunity for knowledge exchange, based on the reports of the participants who lived along with domestic violence or were victims of it. The participants told that their doubts were clarified about denunciation channels and were encouraged to denounce, as well as to look for psychological treatment.  Conclusion: Despite the difficulties,  the activity guided the participants on the psychological and legal aspects involved in violence against women, as well as the expected attitudes in a abuse situation. In addition, the roundtable's format enabled a greater bond between participants and speakers, favoring understandment and reaching students and professionals from different areas of knowledge and regions of the country. This scenario would be harder on-campus. Therefore, awareness and appreciation of psychological attendance  for victims of violence are important measures in combating this alarming reality.


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How to Cite

Sampaio T, Espíndola Torres M, Rafael Cabral de Carli, Déborah Emmily de Carvalho, Maria Simões Nunes da Silva L, Maria Medeiros de Ataides A. COLLECTIVE SUPPORT FOR WOMEN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT. BMS [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 25 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];5(8). Available from:

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