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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is original, has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submitted article, images, tables and other attachments follow the guidelines described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • The author is submitting at least 5 separate files: Title Page, Authors' Contributions, Submission Agreement, Copyright Agreement, and the Article. Following the templates.
  • References are in Vancouver format.
  • The work follows ethical guidelines. If the article contains data collected from human beings, make sure that the opinion of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) is attached to the submission. If the work was carried out on the premises of the educational institution, make sure that the issuance of an institutional consent form is attached.
  • The submitted article follows the blinding standards. The place where the research was carried out was not mentioned in the body of the article. If it is necessary to mention it, it is recommended that the authors use "X" in the spaces where the location would appear.

Author Guidelines


  1. Target Audience
  2. Submission Deadlines
  3. Article Selection Process
  4. MANDATORY Documents for Submission
  5. General Regulations for Articles
  6. Types of Articles
  7. Proof of Ethical Opinion
  8. Authorship
  9. Reference
  10. Figures and Tables

1. Target Audience

The journal aims to encourage scientific production during graduation. Thus, its target audience is medical and health students of any nationality in higher education institutions and health professionals in general.

2. Deadlines for submission

BMS works with continuous submission.



Acceptance of Submission

1 - 2 weeks

Correction by Reviewers

4 - 6 weeks

Associate Editors' Opinions to Authors

1 - 2 weeks

Correction and resubmission by authors

1 - 2 weeks


1 - 2 weeks


1 - 2 weeks

3. Article selection process

All articles will be peer-reviewed, with a double-blind organization, with the editor-in-chief and executive editors responsible for forwarding the designated articles to the reviewers and associate editors. We use protocols such as PRISMA, SANRA, CARE, STROBE, CONSORT and others from Equator Network to select the articles.

4. MANDATORY Documents for Submission

  1. Cover Page (template link)
  2. Contribution (template link)
  3. Submission Agreement (template link)
  4. Article (template link)
  5. Copyright Agreement (template link)

5. General Rules for Articles

  • Present title and abstract (in English), keywords, article body and references.
  • The submission article is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Google Docs or RTF format.
  • Blinding: the city, and medical school, where the research was carried out should not be mentioned in the body of the text. If it is necessary to mention it, we recommend that the authors use XXX in the spaces where the location or name of the Higher Education Institution would appear.
  • Inclusive language: all articles must be written in the formal, scientific and non-discriminatory language. 
  • Language: Papers must be submitted in English or Portuguese. The decision should be up to the authors. 
  • The body of the text must be in Arial font, size 12, with simple spacing and justified alignment, single margin.
  • Title: must be centralized, in capital letters and bold, in Arial font, size 16, preferably at most 40 characters. 
  • Abstract: the manuscript must contain the abstract in English. They must have a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 300 words. The abstract must be a single paragraph that includes the introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. In the case of reports, it should contain an introduction, report, discussion and conclusion. 
  • Keywords and Keywords: a list of 3 to 5 terms in English separated by semicolons must be presented. Descriptors must conform to the DeCS or MESH Terms
  • Body of the article: should have a maximum of 5000 words and include at least the following items: introduction, objectives, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. In the case of reports, it should contain an introduction, report, discussion and conclusion. 
  • Introduction: should contain a brief context of the literature, contextualizing the research, justification and research objectives.
  • Methodology: must be clear and objective to offer reproducibility. It should contain, for example, the type of study, inclusion and exclusion criteria, instruments and data collection procedures, and data analysis, among other data.
  • Results: must describe the results found.
  • Discussion: should explore the results obtained, comparing with the literature.
  • Conclusions: should include comments on the importance of the work, practical application, limitations, validity and recommendations. Conclusions should not extrapolate the results described. 
  • Conflict of Interest: Authors must include whether or not there is any potential conflict of interest related to their research and publication.
  • Financing: the authors must clarify the financial resources used in the research or not, whether they are sponsorships or funding from the researcher himself if any.
  • Acknowledgments (optional item).
  • References: following the Vancouver, it must contain at least five references for original articles and reviews and three references for case reports or experience.

6. Types of articles

  1. Editorial - Section for guests of the editorial board. Original articles, reviews, experience reports and case reports will be allowed. 
  2. Original article: includes clinical, translational and basic scientific research papers. Such as Cross-sectional, Longitudinal, Ecological, Cohort, Case-Control and Clinical Trials. 
  3. Review articles: includes Systematic Review with or without Meta-analysis, Integrative Review and Narrative Review.
  4. Experience reports: includes publications about experiences of interest to BMS readers, such as experiences in the areas of academic and social outreach; exchanges; activities related to IFMSA Brazil and other experiences related to the themes of the magazine. It should contain a detailed description of the experience in the report section. It's a subjective reflection, using comparisons with the literature and references.
  5. Case Reports and Case Series: Case reports should inform, entertain, inspire, and present a diagnostic puzzle. It should address presentation, history, examination, investigations, management and result. In the discussion, educate the reader about the reported case. Case reports should enlighten readers about an exciting condition or presentation. Reports comprising more than 3 cases are case series. 

7. Proof of Ethical Opinion

If necessary: ​​Papers/Research collecting data from human beings must attach the Research Ethics Protocols from his country. 

8. Authorship

About the authors: there is no restriction with the author numbers.

Contributions: Authors must declare each author's contribution. The functions of each author are illustrative only and must be adapted to the actual contributions of each one. The distinction of authorship and acknowledgments must follow the policy of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors), described in the editorial policy of the BMS. 

Acknowledgments: These contributors are individuals who do not meet the 4 ICMJE criteria. Examples of activities that do not qualify as authorship are: obtaining funding; general supervision of a research group or administrative support; writing assistance, technical editing, language editing, and proofreading.

9. References

Authors are encouraged to keep the number of references limited to those critical for understanding the manuscript and of scientific relevance. The bibliography and citations throughout the text must follow the Vancouver standard. 

  • Original Articles: minimum of 5 references.
  • Reviews: minimum of 5 references.
  • Case and Experience Reports: minimum of 3  references.

10. Figures and Tables 

  • They must be sent as an attachment.
  • Format: figures in JPG or PNG format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; tables in Microsoft Excel Worksheet, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF format.
  • Quantity: preferably up to five attachments for original and review articles and up to three attachments for case reports and experience reports. 
  • Figures and tables must be numbered sequentially, with Arabic numerals, and identified throughout the text in their corresponding sections as (Table 1) or (Figure 1), depending on the language of the article.
  • Attachments must present the title, description (Arial font 10), referencing (Reference or own source), and explanation of any acronyms used.