Serviços de saúde para pessoas transgênero, Minorias sexuais e de gênero, Saúde coletiva, Acesso Efetivo aos Serviços de SaúdeAbstract
Introduction: The term "social name" refers to the correct identification of transgender and non-binary people, and should be used regardless of whether or not the civil registry is rectified. This is only the first step, of several, that communicate to society the importance and need for inclusion. Thus, there is a demand for the adequacy of health services to care for this population, in order to ensure that everyone has effective and equal access to health, as urged by the Federal Constitution. Report: The change of the medical record of Irmã Denise Hospital, as well as the preparation and training of the employees of the health institution took place on June 18th, 20th and 27th and was part of the project “Names That Matter", carried out by the local committee IFMSA BRAZIL UNEC. Discussions were held that led to reflection and preparation of employees to conduct care that correctly welcomed the transgender population, aiming to include the health institution as a safe and prepared place to provide this type of care. Discussion: The marginalization of gender issues makes it difficult to recognize the health status of the transgender population in Brazil. Although the social name is guaranteed regardless of the social reassignment surgery, few public policies include the preparation of health professionals to welcome this community in hospital environments. Therefore, the activity carried out was fundamental to guarantee the care of this population in all its demands at Irmã Denise Hospital. Conclusion: The "Names That Matter" project represents an important step in the inclusion and insertion of the discussion on the access of the LGBTQIAPN+ population to health. It’s hoped that this important step at Irmã Denise Hospital will serve as an example for other health institutions in the region, showing that acting locally is the impetus for real change.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Fernanda de Miranda Rocha, Ana Carolina Costa Cassemiro, Ana Clara das Virgens Arruda, Caio Lopes de Souza Sá, Débora dos Reis Oliveira, Isabella Moulin Lima de Freitas Gomes, Júlia Ragone Vieira, Juliano Teubner Cedro, Lucas Santos Silva, Matheus de Sousa Lacerda, Renan Nunes Melo, Samira Barbosa Doehler, Klinger Soares Faíco Filho
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