"And today's: is it paid for?": experience report on a remote event to raise awareness about physical exercise and healthy eating



Healthy eating, Physical activity, Health, Habits


Introduction: The practice of physical activity is of significant importance in the search for population well-being, especially when considering that it allows the reduction of depressive symptoms, increase in self-esteem and prevention of chronic diseases. However, it is noted that the world population perpetuates life practices that do not provide for the maintenance of a healthy routine. In this context, the study aims to describe the experience of the action “What about today: is it already paid?” and discuss knowledge about balanced diet, physical activity and how such practices impact daily life and mental health. Experience Report: This experience report is based on the experience of five medical students - creators and organizers - during a remote event that took place on June 29 and 30, 2022, through the StreamYard platform with transmission on YouTube. The activity featured health professionals and academics through virtual meetings on the two days of the event. Discussion: The activity was able to cover individuals from various regions of Brazil, being publicized nationally and internationally, and with the participation of professionals and students trained in the subjects discussed. A highlight was the multidisciplinary approach, which proved to be effective in intervening on the theme, showing how different professions and specializations are interconnected in facing the obstacles, which ratified the need to raise awareness and improve people's knowledge about the themes. Conclusion: With the realization of the event, one can see a satisfactory and positive reach of the objectives that preceded its realization, so that the contribution to the training of subscribers and students became evident. However, the use of digital platforms made the activity susceptible to intercurrences during the event in terms of connection or resource problems. Even so, a significant engagement of the participants became possible.


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How to Cite

Sousa LH dos S, Deonísio IGS, Marques BMR, Carvalho IN de, Barbosa RYL, Filho AIS. "And today’s: is it paid for?": experience report on a remote event to raise awareness about physical exercise and healthy eating. BMS [Internet]. 2024 May 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];8(12). Available from: https://bms.ifmsabrazil.org/index.php/bms/article/view/583