


Covid-19, Meningitidis, Pandemic


Introduction: Meningitis, an ethological or viral bacterial infection of the meninges, is a pathology of epidemiological significance. To assess their behavior, they are certified compulsory, with to understand as causal variables. In times like the Covid19 pandemic, however, this assessment takes on a new meaning that needs investigation. Objective: To assess the epidemiological situation of meningitis in the pre- and post-Covid19 pandemic periods. Methodology: Consists of an ecological study with data collection in TABNET/DATASUS. Excluding data considered between 2017-2021, in Minas Gerais and Brazil, which were interpreted by simple statistics. Results: Epidemiological differences and similarities were found in Minas Gerais and Brazil. As differences were the etiology, the predominantly affected sex and mainly the pattern of outcomes. As for differences, they were the most prevalent age group and high/death. Discussion: The drop in cases, as well as the change in the age group of involvement are directly associated with the vaccination status. With the institution of the vaccine against Meningo C in 2018, and the ACWY in 2020, by the Ministry of Health, it was observed that the corresponding and gradual notifications. The difference in age groups affected is also justified by the coverage of different ages related to each vaccine. Regarding the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is pointed out that the measures of social distance, use of masks and constant hand hygiene measures that also had an impact on the alleviation of the epidemiological situation of meningitis in Minas Gerais and Brazil. Conclusion: Force to use a protective factor against completion, as force for development, and as protective measures against men, such as protective measures against covid19 which are used as hand protection and mask protection. These are parameters that must be used so that the future situation can be considered future.



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Author Biographies

Daiane de Oliveira Andrade, Medico(a) formado(a) pelo Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Giulia Neiva Giati, Discente do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Pedro Octávio Silva Pereira, Discente do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu



Isabela Simões Mendes, Discente do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Natália Bontempo Mendes , Discente do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Brenda Lorenna de Jesus Araújo , Discente do Curso de Medicina do Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Ronei Rodrigues de Andrade , Medico(a) formado(a) pelo Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG



Brenda Rayra Barbosa Soares , Medico(a) formado(a) pelo Centro Universitário Atenas – Paracatu, MG




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How to Cite

de Oliveira Andrade D, Neiva Giati G, Silva Pereira PO, Simões Mendes I, Bontempo Mendes N, de Jesus Araújo BL, Rodrigues de Andrade R, Barbosa Soares BR. MENINGITIS IN THE PERIOD PRE AND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN BRAZIL AND IN MINAS GERAIS: EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION AND PUBLIC HEALTH REPERCUSSIONS. BMS [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 3 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];8(12). Available from: