Anxiety disorders in Primary Health Care: an overview of scientific publications based on an integrative review
Anxiety disorders, Primary health care, Professional training, Mental HealthAbstract
Introduction: Anxiety related symptoms are among the ten most recurrent complaints in Primary Health Care (PHC) visits. Anxiety disorders (AD) are increasingly common, and it is necessary for primary care professionals to be able to identify and appropriately manage these patients.
Objectives: To analyze the main topics about AD in PHC addressed in scientific journals.
Methodology: Integrative review with bibliometric analysis of articles available in the databases: PubMed, Scielo and Lilacs. Search with descriptors: "anxiety disorder" AND "primary health care". The articles were categorized according to country, year of publication, age group and type of study. The Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) questions were used to assess the quality of the studies. A qualitative analysis of data from the articles was carried out based on the identification of 4 thematic axes about AT in PHC: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and training of health professionals.
Results: 109 articles were found, whereof only 39 were relevant. There were 5 research studies carried out in Brazil (12.8%), and 34 (87.2%) in 19 other countries. Relevant themes: symptoms (40.4%); diagnosis (59.5%); treatment (42.8%); training of health professionals (9.5%), the latter being all international.
Discussion: Regarding symptoms, it is described how they affect the quality of life of the patient leading them to seek assistance. Regarding diagnosis, more than half of the publications (64%) mentioning diagnosis advocate the use of validated scales for EDs. The publications emphasize that the most effective treatment is the pharmacological and non-pharmacological combination. The ideal time of drug treatment or how to stop it was not mentioned in the articles. Regarding the education of professionals, there seems to be a gap in the health courses, which can lead to limitations in the recognition of AD and to ineffective treatments.
Conclusion: We conclude that the scientific production about AD in PHC is insufficient, given the prevalence of AD cases in the current context. It is important that more studies describe how AD are approached in PHC and what can be done to optimize diagnoses, care and professional training from a perspective based on scientific evidence.
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