“Connect”: Um Relato de Experiência sobre um Evento de Tecnologia e Inteligência Artificial na Medicina





Tecnologia em Saúde, Aprendizado de M´áquina, Raciocínio Computacional


Introduction: The use of health technologies is increasingly present in contemporary times, with applications in fields of research, diagnosis, treatment, outcome prediction, among others. In a scenario of technological innovations and searching for a solution to health problems, there is an increasing presence of terms such as artificial intelligence, neural networks and digital twins. However, medical schools seem to be outdated in teaching these topics. Report: The “Connect” activity was carried out by medical students in order to disseminate content that addressed the use of technologies in the medical field, aiming, through the event, to stimulate the interest of other students. 5 synchronous meetings were held via Google Meet that addressed the following topics: Artificial Intelligence; Data Science; Health Technology; Neural networks; Technology and Alzheimer's; Technology and Mental Health; Technology and Diabetes Mellitus; Digital Gemini and Technology and Breast Cancer. The event was publicized through Instagram and entries were made via the Google Forms form. Likewise, the use of a form was adopted every day of the event to register attendance for issuing the certificate and to analyze the results of the activity. Discussion: Generic technologies and artificial intelligence are gaining importance in Evidence-Based Medicine, thus, the activity was designed to solve the simplest doubts by those interested in this subject. In addition, the theme chosen for the event was interesting for coordinators and participants, considering that this issue is emerging in the medical field and there is a lack of curricular and extracurricular approach to this theme. Conclusion: Lastly, it is clear that the event contributed to the construction of knowledge on the subject, constituting an important initiative to approach the use of health technologies.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande/Estudante de Medicina

Medical student at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG Campina Grande campus; Scientific Initiation Scholarship by PIBIC-UFCG; Capacity Building Local Director (LCB-D) and NUPEC analyst at the IFMSA Brasil UFCG committee; Member of the Neurosciences and Public Health research groups certified by UFCG; Former League of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry League (LIB2M); Former member of the Study Group on Automation and Intelligent Systems - GEASI - and former scientific initiation scholarship holder at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco - Garanhuns campus - in the field of Automation and control.

Luciana Karla, Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)

Degree in Physiotherapy from the Federal University of Paraíba (1999), Specialization in Cardio-Respiratory Intensive Care (UNIFOR - Fortaleza-CE) and Master's Degree in Physiotherapy (UNIMEP - SP), concentration area in Neurology (Neuromotor Development: Diagnosis and Physiotherapeutic Intervention). She is currently a professor at the UNIFACISA University Center - Campina Grande (since 2006) and at the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG (since 2010), is coordinator of the Anatomy Laboratory at UFCG (since 05/2011), and is a professor of Anatomy at both universities , in addition to working in the field of Neurology and Pediatrics, having experience and professional training in Riding Therapy, RPG (Global Postural Reeducation), Hydrotherapy and Child Rehabilitation. She is a Member of the Brazilian Society of Anatomy-SBA). She has been an advisor at LAAOCCI (Academic League of Anatomy Oriented to Surgical Clinic) since 2013, Advisor of LIAAH/UFCG (Academic League of Human Anatomy) since 2018. She has experience in the area of ​​Anatomy and Physiotherapy, with an emphasis on Pediatrics, Neurology, Neonatal ICU and Pediatrics, Kangaroo Mother Program, Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Hydrotherapy, RPG and Riding Therapy. She is an anatomist, working in the area of ​​teaching, research and extension, through teaching in the area for 20 years, extension project, research, supervision of Research Projects, Extension and TCC. She is a Scientific Consultant at Instituto Brenda Pinheiro - Associação Amigo do Autista (AMA), as well as internship Supervisor at AMA and Advisor of the Academic League of Human Anatomy at UFCG (LIAAH -UFCG) and at LAAOCCI - UNIFACISA (Academic League of Anatomy Oriented to Surgical Clinic) since 2013. In Doctorate - USP - University of São Paulo, since August 2019, Clinical Psychology, with a Concentration Area in Neurosciences.


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How to Cite

Oliveira V, Augusto V, Karla L. “Connect”: Um Relato de Experiência sobre um Evento de Tecnologia e Inteligência Artificial na Medicina. BMS [Internet]. 2022 Sep. 4 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];7(10). Available from: https://bms.ifmsabrazil.org/index.php/bms/article/view/318