


Health education, Humanization of assistance, Sexual and gender minorities


Introduction: The health of the LGBTQ + community, as physical and mental well-being, is only effective when it guarantees full access to the health of these individuals. Although the Unified Health System (SUS) has implemented advances in the visibility of this marginalized group, it is noted that there are several specificities and demands regarding the LGBTQ + population that are perpetuated not only by prejudice, but also by the chronic deficiency arising from non-plural curricula in undergraduate health courses. Thus, it is essential to propose incentives to this diversity of sexuality and gender in health care. Report: The “Proud by Nature - I LGBTQ + Health Forum”, was an event held entirely online, being an action designed mainly for professionals and students from different areas of health in order to raise the debate on such an important agenda and neglected health of this community, addressing topics such as: sexual health, STI prevention, humanized medical care, inclusive language and mental health. Discussion: Given the above, it is clear that it is essential that health courses and specializations are mobilized on the theme LGBTQ +. Almost 70% of the participants had never come into contact with the LGBTQ + theme before Proud by Nature and the majority evaluated themselves with insufficient knowledge to meet the demands of the LGBTQ + population. After the event, all participants positively evaluated their learning during the lectures, showing a lack of this theme mainly at graduation and making it clear how events like this can be beneficial for the health area. Conclusion: The objectives proposed by the event have been met. Still, it is demonstrated that the higher education institutions of medicine and their entities have a transforming role in the contribution not only with the academic community, but also with the external public, spreading knowledge in contents often veiled, as is the case of health LGBTQ +.


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How to Cite

da Silva FC, Freitas Santin SB, Gurgel Cosme do Nascimento E. INCLUSIVE ASSISTANCE AND CONSTRUCTION OF MEDICAL EDUCATION: AN EX´PERIENCE REPORT FROM A LGBTQ + ONLINE HEALTH FORUM. BMS [Internet]. 2021 Sep. 25 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];5(8). Available from: