Hospitalizations of Neonates to Adolescents up to 14 years old, due to Pneumonia, in the municipality of São Paulo: A Descriptive Ecological Study of the year 2022


  • Jorge Augusto Moreira da Rocha Unifaa
  • João Vitor Vasconcellos de Macedo Ucha Fundação Educacional D. André Arcoverde image/svg+xml
  • Daniel Luiz Vidal Leal FAA,Fundação Educacional D. André Arcoverde image/svg+xml
  • Angelo Antonio Reis dos Reis Fundação Educacional D. André Arcoverde image/svg+xml
  • Hévila Ferreira Gomes Medeiros Braga University for International Integration of the Afro-Brazilian Lusophony image/svg+xml





Introduction: Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in children under five years old. Objectives: This study aims to examine the epidemiology of hospitalizations due to pneumonia in neonates to 14 year olds in São Paulo, one of the most populous cities in Latin America, in the post-pandemic scenario of 2022. Methods: An analytical ecological study was conducted using the Hospital Information System of the Unified Health System (SIH/SUS). The following variables were analyzed: age range in years (patients aged zero to 14 years); number of hospitalizations by diagnosis. Incidence rates were calculated per 9,534 hospitalizations. Results: The results indicate a predominance of hospitalizations in the age group of one to four years, followed by those under one year old. The age groups of five to nine years and 10 to 14 years had fewer hospitalizations compared to younger groups. The second analysis considered the population context and showed that 0.48% (one in every 209 inhabitants) of children residing in São Paulo were hospitalized for pneumonia in 2022. Hospitalizations for the group under one year old represent 2.757% (one in every 37) of the total residents in this age group. Similarly, the group aged one to four years presents 1.025% (one in every 98), the group aged five to nine years presents 0.172% (one in every 589), and the group aged 10 to 14 years presents 0.055% (one in every 2000). Discussion: This research revealed that pneumonia hospitalizations in São Paulo in 2022 are relatively common among the age groups of under one year old and one to four years old, with prevalence decreasing as age advances; hospitalizations are at least five times higher in the age group of zero to four compared to five to 14. Another analysis that would be addressed in this study is related to the prevalence of pneumonia hospitalizations by gender division. However, the data obtained did not show significant differences, meaning the phenomenon occurred similarly in both sexes. One possible cause of these hospitalization numbers is the decline in vaccination rates among the pediatric population, presumably due to limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: This study is consistent with previous findings and contributes to the understanding of the need for further research to enhance the epidemiological knowledge of these hospitalizations.


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How to Cite

Rocha JAM da, Ucha JVV de M, Leal DLV, Reis AAR dos, Braga HFGM. Hospitalizations of Neonates to Adolescents up to 14 years old, due to Pneumonia, in the municipality of São Paulo: A Descriptive Ecological Study of the year 2022. BMS [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(13). Available from: