Muscle Dysmorphia and the use of anabolic steroids: a scoping review


  • Davi Ricardo Soares Gama de Amorim Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Camillo Collier de Farias University of Pernambuco
  • Tomás de Aguiar Germani University of Pernambuco
  • Lucas Aires Araújo University of Pernambuco
  • Marcelo Jose da Cunha Portela University of Pernambuco
  • Giovanni Chiappetta Romero University of Pernambuco
  • Paulo Fernando Viegas Barros de Albuquerque University of Pernambuco
  • Gabriel Arcoverde de Siqueira Lindington Lins University of Pernambuco
  • Hugo Rafael de Souza e Silva University of Pernambuco



Transtornos Dismórficos Corporais


INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to map the scientific production on the non-medical use of anabolic steroids and its relationship with muscle dysmorphia, vigorexia, and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) in physical exercise practitioners, in order to identify gaps and evidence hints. METHODS: The elaboration of this scoping review followed the PRISMA-ScR checklist and was conducted in five stages: 1) Formulation of the research question using the PCC method; 2) Selection of databases and delineation of search strategies; 3) Export of retrieved studies to Rayyan and establishment of eligibility criteria; 4) Selection of articles by two independent and blinded reviewers; 5) Construction of an evidence table, according to the JBI model. RESULTS: Six areas of the relationship between muscle dysmorphia and the use of anabolic steroids were analyzed: 1) terminologies used to describe the disorder of chronic dissatisfaction with muscular shape; 2) participant recruitment sites; 3) research instruments used to assess muscle dysmorphia; 4) evaluated populations, dividing them into: male, female, and mixed population; 5) motivations associated with the use of anabolic steroids; 6) average time of steroid use in the sample. DISCUSSION: Although there were variations in the research instruments used, it was identified that cultural and aesthetic motivations emerge as pillars of the correlation between the use of anabolic steroids and muscle dysmorphia, creating a pathological scenario that demands new research on the subject. CONCLUSIONS: A bidirectional relationship between the use of anabolic steroids and muscle dysmorphia was observed, as well as the predominance of studies involving male populations and highlighting the tangency of aesthetic motivations for the use of these substances. However, it is essential to expand research on the subject to ensure the generalization of the findings.


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How to Cite

Soares Gama de Amorim DR, Collier de Farias C, de Aguiar Germani T, Aires Araújo L, Jose da Cunha Portela M, Chiappetta Romero G, Fernando Viegas Barros de Albuquerque P, Arcoverde de Siqueira Lindington Lins G, de Souza e Silva HR. Muscle Dysmorphia and the use of anabolic steroids: a scoping review. BMS [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];10(14). Available from:

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