colorectal cancer, risk factors, EpidemiologyAbstract
Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the third most common malignant neoplasm in the adult population and the most common cancer of the gastrointestinal tract. It presents risk factors related to pre-existing pathological factors, behavioral factors, and hereditary factors. Methods: This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional and retrospective study with a quantitative and qualitative approach. For this, medical records were analyzed followed by the application of a “Questionário de Análise dos Fatores de Risco Associados ao Câncer Colorretal” (“Analysis Questionnaire of Risk Factors Associated with Colorectal Carcinoma") to the patients of the sample. All descriptive statistics analysis was performed adopting 95% confidence in the software GraphPad Prism (Prism V.8.2.1, 2019). And the categorized data was compared by Pearson's chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test. Results: 224 medical records were analyzed, of which male patients predominated (55.80%) with a higher incidence of the pathology in the age group between 50 and 75 years. In the second stage of the study, an insufficient pattern of physical activity was observed, risky consumption of red meat and foods high in fat, in addition to a low fiber intake. A possible relationship between the consumption of red meat and the need for multiple treatment combinations was observed. Discussion: Considering the factors investigated for the development of the neoplasia, the study population presents risk factors that are consistent with those estimated in the literature, as well as with epidemiological predictions of patients being affected at increasingly younger ages, in addition to presenting important exposure to agricultural inputs with carcinogenic potential. Conclusion: Considering the possibility of early recognition of patients at higher risk for the purpose of screening and early diagnosis, as well as the opportunity for population education for lifestyle changes aimed at reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer, the applicability of the research is of paramount importance in health promotion and prevention activities and projects.
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