



Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador, COVID-19, Perda Auditiva Provocada por Ruído, Epidemiologia


Introduction: Exposure to noise in the workplace is the second most prevalent risk for the development of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss, causing irreversible damage to hearing cells. This damage can occur acutely or chronically and can be accompanied by tinnitus. Every day, more than 4 million workers around the world exceed this limit. Given the importance of the condition and its compulsory notification, this study analyzes the prevalence of NIHL in the country, focusing on the pandemic and sociodemographic characteristics of those affected. Methods: Cross-sectional study with the premise of describing the epidemiology of this disease between the years 2015 to August 2022, using the DataSUS database – SINAN Net. For analysis, the variables of state and region of origin, age and gender were selected. Results: A total of 5,627 cases were described in the aforementioned period, with a peak of 1,216 in 2016. Mostly affecting white men aged between 40-59 years old, mainly from the state of São Paulo. Notifications declined, particularly during the period 2020 to 2022. Discussion: Data analysis revealed a consistent geographic relationship between jobs with noise levels above the limit and cases of NIHL. The most affected age group consisted of prolonged exposure due to working age. Furthermore, the drop in cases during the pandemic was possibly due to absence from work or underreporting. Conclusion: The study concluded that there was a significant drop in notifications, which intensified during the pandemic period, generating the possibility of underreporting due to quarantine.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Bolfarini Guiotti Mettifogo, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

Amanda Xavier Ribeiro, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

Felipe Neves Brandão, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

Gustavo Paes, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

João Pedro Febroli Debroi, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

Ruan Veronez Bauer, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina

Patrícia Cincotto dos Santos Bueno, Universidade de Marília

Discente de Medicina


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How to Cite

Bolfarini Guiotti Mettifogo C, Xavier Ribeiro A, Neves Brandão F, Paes G, Febroli Debroi JP, Veronez Bauer R, Cincotto dos Santos Bueno P. UNDER-REPORTING CASES OF NIHL IN THE PANDEMICS. BMS [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 3];9(13). Available from: https://bms.ifmsabrazil.org/index.php/bms/article/view/606