Strategies to promote greater adherence to preventive cervical cancer screening in a basic health unit in the transamazon region: an experience report




Health Education, Comprehensive Health Care, Uterine Cervical Neoplasms


INTRODUCTION: Cervical Cancer (CC) is a slow disease which comes from the undifferentiation of uterine epithelium cells, mostly caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The Papanicolaou Test (PT) is the main form of early or ongoing detection of cancer. However, several factors have become obstacles to its implementation in Basic Health Units (BHU), such as a lack of demand, that happens due to the misinformation about the importance of performing the PT periodically and the fact that it has no costs. This study reports the experience of medicine students in the creation of methodologies to build up CC prevention measures in the Transamazon region.

EXPERIENCE REPORT: During the practice at the assisted UBS, the fourth period students of the medical college at XXX identified the necessity to promote interventionist actions regarding women's health, especially in carrying out the Pap test, among the intervention strategies, a card was prepared to help preventing CC, by carrying out the procedure in the ideal delay period for tracking.

DISCUSSION: The “Commitment Against Cervical Cancer Card” contains advises and counseling about CC, with the goal of reducing the number of women affected and generating a stronger bond between the woman and the health care staff, which helps with the co-responsibility in health and comprehensive and equitable care.

CONCLUSION: In summary, the elaboration of the card proved to be positive for the health service in the region, within its reality, helping health professionals in the calls. Having the objectives achieved by working for the benefit of the community by minimizing deaths from CC, through prevention and health promotion.


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How to Cite

lima de lucena G, de Souza Ribeiro A, Victor Oliveira Monteiro A, Vinícius Soares da Silva C, Ellen Pereira Costa G, da Silva Bezerra K, Henrique Ferreira Cardoso L, Cecília Lima Coelho A. Strategies to promote greater adherence to preventive cervical cancer screening in a basic health unit in the transamazon region: an experience report. BMS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 5 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];8(12). Available from: