



Medicina Integrativa, Promoção da Saúde, Política Nacional de Saúde, Qualidade de vida


Introduction: The lessons of Hippocrates, father of Western Medicine, are medicalizing knowledge of care and health promotion[1]. So, aiming to complement his teachings, this work aims to report the knowledge acquired through the event "Joy as a form of care", which was shown five different forms of care, animal-assisted therapy, clowning therapy, art therapy, storytelling therapy and sound therapy, being based on Integrative Medicine and the benefits of multiple patient-centered practices, focusing on welcoming listening and development of therapeutic bond.

Report: The content of the event, lectures given by professionals, was based on the need to complement therapies present in the medical curriculum, mostly based on Western medicine, and had as its main target audience medical students. As for the registration, it was promoted through a form and publicized on social networks. Its realization was based on the partnership established between Faculdade Santa Marcelina students associated with the International Federation of Medical Students Association of Brazil and the Liga Acadêmica de Medicina Integrativa (LAMI) of the same faculty.

Discussion: Integrative Medicine grows in the West as the traditional medical model does not include other forms of care and the integral vision of the patient, which goes beyond the disease itself[8]. In this sense and with medical-scientific support, Integrative Medicine has a positive research highlight, mainly because of the benefits of such practices[1][2][3][4][5][6], being currently used in the Unified Health System, in which Practices are offered free of charge due to the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health (NPICPH)[10].

Conclusion: The event was able to adequately inform the participants, who, despite the limitations faced because it was an online event, showed interest in the subject, as well as highlight the need to use the numerous benefits of the various therapies existing in Integrative Medicine.


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Author Biography

Ingrit Johana Rojas Medina

Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, Pós-graduação em Bases de Saúde Integrativa e Bem-Estar Estudos Avançados, Professora associada.


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How to Cite

Antunes I, Rodrigues Cardoso N, Flores Nunes L, Johana Rojas Medina I. HAPPINESS FOR CARING : COMPLEMENTARY THERAPY ON TRADICIONAL MEDICINE. BMS [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 28 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];8(11). Available from: https://bms.ifmsabrazil.org/index.php/bms/article/view/332

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