TEACOLHER - o olhar multiprofissional para o Transtorno do Espectro Autista: relato de experiência
Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Distance Education, Patient Care TeamAbstract
Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication in multiple contexts. Historically, this is a stigmatized topic with few information being disclosed to the population, which affects the quality of life of people that are diagnosed and those who live with them. The campaign “TEAcolher: autismo além do Abril Azul” had the objective of broaden the debate and raise discussions about the multidisciplinary view of ASD between medical students and the external community. Report: The campaign happened during April of 2021 and included informative posts on social networks, with the participation of professionals working in the area, as well as family members and individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The campaign was finalized through a virtual conversation with a doctor and a lawyer that are experts of the population with ASD. Discussion: The participation of a multidisciplinary team was essential in the virtual conversation, as well as in the media productions available on social networks. The lecture had an effective interaction between members and professionals, addressing the topic objectively and resulting in an excellent feedback on the event. Conclusion: The experience of running the campaign was positive and effective, as it had a significant engagement on social networks, a high level of participation from the audience and professionals from a multidisciplinary team and were able to debate and address relevant information about the topic, in addition to have participation of family members and the protagonism of individuals with ASD in raising awareness about the spectrum.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Darah Koller Vasconcelos, Giovanna Alves Leão, Karina Maria Fernandes Souza, Loene dos Santos e Silva, Brunno Gomes Pinho
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