Oral manifestations related with dengue: an integrative review
an integrative review
Oral manifestations, oral mucosa, dengueAbstract
Dengue is currently considered the most common arbovirus infection in humans in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, with the Aedes aegypti mosquito as the main vector of the dengue virus in the Americas. This infection shows a variety of clinical manifestations, generating the need for accurate diagnosis, often dependent on laboratory tests. These manifestations include fever, headache, joint pain. However, several manifestations have been identified in the oral cavity in patients diagnosed with dengue. Recognizing the relevance and association of these findings is strategic at the time of clinical diagnosis, especially in the course of epidemics. This review was conducted to identify oral manifestations related or associated with dengue. This is a study with data collection carried out from secondary sources, through the following databases: Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem on line (Medline) and United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed), using the following descriptors and their combinations: oral manifestations, oral mucosa and dengue. The final sample of this review consisted of 14 scientific articles. Of these fourteen articles, 12 were case reports of people who were in the acute phase or in the period of recovery from dengue and in two (2) were a survey of clinical manifestations including oral ones. The oral manifestations found were: gingival and lingual bleeding, erythematous plaques, vesicles on the tongue, swelling of the lips and tongue and persistent metallic taste. Among these findings, gingival bleeding is the most recurrent, being described in a high number of cases. Early diagnosis, especially during epidemic periods, has a fundamental role in the treatment of dengue, oral manifestations, although rarely reported, may represent a relevant factor in the clinical evaluation of patients with signs and symptoms that suggest dengue.
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