Mindfulness; Minor Mental Disorder; Anxiety; Depression; Stress.Abstract
Introduction: Minor Mental Disorders (TMM) are among the most frequent in the world, resulting in more than 300 million people with complaints of anxiety, stress and / or depression. In addition to traditional scientific treatment, the use of Integrative and Complementary Practices (PICS) has been suggested as promoting emotional control and quality of life (QOL), with emphasis on Mindfulness, cognitive therapy based on mindfulness. Methods: Therefore, this research proposed to gather data on the use of the technique in the TMM. An integrative review was carried out in the PubMed and VHL databases, through the association of the Mindfulness descriptors, with i) TMM, ii) Anxiety, iii) Depression and iv) Stress, with data analysis according to PICOT. Results: Among the benefits of Mindfulness are psychological flexibility, positive behavioral changes, self-acceptance and emotional independence, reflecting on the reduction of depressive symptoms, anxiety, with a concomitant increase in QOL, suggesting the effectiveness of the technique as a preventive tool and complementary treatment in face of TMM. The limitations of the study were the short time of intervention of the works; a problem of monitoring the patient in his home environment. In addition to these, another punctuated factor was the reliability criterion that the patient, once committed, made daily practice. However, mindfulness and breathing control, for just a few minutes, generate learning and adaptation, bringing long-term benefits of neuroplasticity. Conclusion: The importance of disseminating Mindfulness and its benefits is highlighted, contributing to the promotion of mental health, well-being and QoL of practitioners.
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