Sexual and Gender Minorities, Primary Health Care, Unified Health SystemAbstract
Introduction: Social inequalities are aspects that make it impossible to guarantee and have full access to health. In this context, the LGBTQIA+ population is still highly segregated and gender inequality hinders their access to health. Access to health care among this community is permeated by discrimination and barriers, although it is ensured by public policies, which shows a serious dissociation between what is postulated in the law and what is observed in health routines. Thus, the objective of this review is to analyze how the LGBTQIA+ population is received and attended to in primary health care. Methods: The study was based on exploratory research, based on a literature review, considering that as it is a line of research that has been attracting the attention of the scientific community, it lacks studies. Results: the literature search resulted in 11 studies related to the objective of the study, whose results were interpreted and discussed. Discussion: The right to access to health is one of the foundations of the Unified Health System and the Brazilian Constitution, guaranteeing universal access to public health for every citizen. What is observed, however, is the evasion of part of the LGBTQIA+ population despite their rights, since the presence of professionals is still linked to social constructions, prejudices and extremist ideas that culminate in the alienation and marginalization of this population in regard to the health environment. Conclusion: It is necessary to review the form of health care for the LGBTQIA+ population, with the promotion of actions and additional studies to offer tools to reduce inequality and discrimination.
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