An experience report




Medical Students, Clerkships and Residency, Medical Education


INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, the medical training and the insertion of doctors in the labor market are permeated by several obstacles that, once faced by academics, become source of discouragement and frustration. In order to expose these obstacles, the transmission of experiences that future physicians are susceptible to, through the dialogue with graduates, is necessary. In this context, this study aims to describe the experience of the “Academic and Medical Experiences Journey” and highlight the relevance of this dialogue in the acquirement of knowledge by academics. REPORT: On August 10th, 11th, 17th and 18th, 2020, the Academic and Medical Experiences Journey, announced by the name “MED Talks: Knowing the trajectory of XXXX Medical Graduates”, was held. Free of charge and remotely, the event was broadcast live on YouTube. Each day, two graduates shared their trajectories as academics and as newly graduated physicians. DISCUSSION: The reports and experiences of former medical students show common expectations, doubts, learnings and afflictions that arise at different
moments of academic and professional life. The transmission of these experiences can contribute to the training process of safer and more educated professionals. In this context, the event addressed and debated aspects related to graduation and the practice of Medicine, the medical career and financial education. As a limitation, this experience report did not expose results.
CONCLUSION: The experience not only provided a dialogue between graduates and students, but enabled the acquirement of knowledge by academics, in order to shape their expectations and decisions about the reality of the medical profession. It is important that medical schools seek to promote these exchanges of experiences.


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How to Cite

Campos Ornelas R, Dutra Guerrieri Y, Ferreira Costa MV, Campos Ornelas S, da Silva Almeida VH, Lois Rodrigues de Oliveira L. TRANSMISSÃO DE VIVÊNCIAS ACADÊMICAS E MÉDICAS DE EGRESSOS A DISCENTES DE MEDICINA: An experience report. BMS [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 10 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];5(8). Available from: