Symposium "Transsexuality in Brazil: Dilemmas and perspectives", an experience report




Gender identity, Transgender persons, Health Services for Transgender People


Introduction: The precariousness of public policies on access to health and the purely biomedical notion that permeates health related courses compromise the guarantee of integral health to the trans population in the Brazilian scenario. With this in mind, the objective of this report is to expose the steps for the realization of the symposium on the health of the trans population, done through a remote platform, as well as to explain what were the difficulties and advantages in doing it. Experience Report: The activity “Simpósio Transexualidade no Brasil: Dilemas e Perspectivas” was idealized in an Activity Planning Meeting, with subsequent selection of  8 affiliates interested in coordinating it. The Symposium registrations were made through the Even3 platform, using Instagram and WhatsApp by means of promotion. The event was held between April 7th and 15th, 2021, with transmissions made through YouTube. Both lectures and round tables were conducted, mostly, by trans people and had 355 listeners, including professionals and students from health and other areas. Discussion: The impact assessment revealed the great learning and that there is little knowledge and understanding of the participants regarding the needs of the trans population, being evident the capacity of the event to elucidate particularities of the health care of this population. Moreover, it showed the negligence that many universities have to approach in a humanized way this theme so essential for the training of a health professional and enlightened the importance of the existence of public policies to support this public. Conclusion: The Symposium fulfilled its objective of joining health education initiatives regarding humanized care aimed towards the trans population, however, other similar initiatives should be developed in order to promote discussions on the topic.


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How to Cite

Carvalho DE de, Gusmão de Almeida AB, Ferreira Rocha GA, Brito dos Santos JF, Hermínio Pessoa e Silva KM, Clemente Lima MB, Duarte Rodrigues M, Sampaio Medrado T da S, Medeiros de Ataides AM. Symposium "Transsexuality in Brazil: Dilemmas and perspectives", an experience report. BMS [Internet]. 2022 May 13 [cited 2024 Oct. 5];6(9). Available from:

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