Norms for submission’s acceptance

The journal has biannual volumes with continuous submission. It proposes to publish only unpublished articles in Portuguese and English, subject to evaluation by its Editorial Board. All papers will be reviewed blindly, the reviewers will not have access to the authors' names, and the authors will not have access to the reviewers' names, thus guaranteeing total impartiality in the analysis of the works.

As part of the submission process, authors should check the submission's policies. Submissions that do not follow the rules will be returned to the authors. Authors with articles accepted with corrections must make changes to the paper for future reassessment.

The journal's Editorial Board will evaluate all articles sent to Brazilian Medical Students within the journal's scope. In this sense, authors must unconditionally follow the rules established by the Editorial Board, as described in the Guidelines for Authors. Articles will be submitted on the official BMS website, [email protected], by the corresponding author, who must complete the form with the requested information.

They must sign the submission agreement, which commits article exclusivity for BMS, states that submission does not guarantee publication, and allow the use of texts and images for publication by BMS. The author should declare the authors' contribution according to the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).

Brazilian Medical Students is an open-access journal. The scientific community and the general public have, free of charge, unlimited and immediate access to all the contents published in the journal as soon as they are available on the Internet.

Authors are not charged for submitting, processing and publishing articles. Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published and must not be in the process of being evaluated for publication in another journal, whether in a full or partial version.

Possible opinions issued by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.