Resíduos sólidosAbstract
Introduction: COVID-19 is a respiratory disease with a high spread capacity. Its prevention consists of respecting social distancing, wearing a mask and properly sanitizing hands and surfaces, which has resulted in an increase in the amount of solid household waste generated during the period of social isolation. The aim of this study is to identify the knowledge of XXX residents about the management of waste contaminated or potentially contaminated by SARS-CoV-2. Methods: This is an exploratory-descriptive study with a quantitative approach Results: From May to July 2021, we interviewed 420 participants, with 30.7% being male (129) and 69.3% female (291). The majority (40%) were aged 20-24, followed by 25-29 (11.2%) and 40-44 (10.2%). With regard to knowledge of the National Solid Waste Collection Policy, 228 participants (54.3%) were unaware of it, while 192 (45.7%) were familiar with it. Regarding the 'Protocol for special procedures in the management of urban solid waste in Curitiba, for the prevention of coronavirus', 310 participants (73.8%) were unaware of it, while 110 (26.2%) were aware of its existence.Discussion: It was found that the population's lack of knowledge about the measures contained in the municipal protocol for the prevention of coronavirus contamination results in improper disposal of masks, gloves, handkerchiefs and napkins, even those used preventively, and incorrect storage of waste from suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, which increases the risk of contamination for both the population and public servants in public cleaning. Conclusion: The population's lack of knowledge about the coronavirus prevention protocol results in improper disposal of materials and risks of contamination. In addition, the lack of knowledge makes it difficult to implement and enforce the protocol, especially for those without internet access.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gabriella Giandotti Gomar, Paula Cristina Yukari Suzaki Fujii, Julia Maria de Medeiros, Nicole Kovalhuk Borini, Débora Maria Vargas Makuch
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