Epidemiological Analysis





Epidemiology, Health Expenditures, Heart Failure, Hospitalization, Mortality


Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is a syndrome characterized by reduced cardiac output and increased filling pressures. In Brazil, HF has a high rate of hospitalizations and deaths at a high cost to the public system. In this sense, knowing the clinical characteristics of this pathology is essential for a better prognosis and epidemiological control. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the profile of hospitalizations and deaths from HF in Brazil between 2015 and 2020. Methods: A descriptive study of hospitalizations and mortality from HF in the country, based on data available in the Hospital Information System (SIH/SUS). These variables were stratified according to sex, age, color/race, and year. Results: 1,212,249 hospitalizations were registered, with a downward trend over the years not accompanied by a reduction in public investments. Analyzing the hospitalizations, men were predominant (51.61%) and aged from 70 years old (48.61%), followed by those between 40 and 69 years old (46.10%). Furthermore, it was observed that 37.85% of the patients were white race. As for deaths, a total of 134,703 victims were registered. In terms of time, there is a constant percentage, with an average of 22,450.5 deaths/year. Mortality was more prevalent in women (50.38%) and the age group greater than or equal to 70 years (61.22%). Furthermore, as in hospitalizations, white patients are predominant (37.15%). Discussion: The profile of hospitalizations for HF showed a decreasing trend. However, the drop observed in 2020 may present confounding factors, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The epidemiological characteristics showed geographic, genetic, and health factors as determinants of these variables. Conclusion: Despite the reduction in the number of hospitalizations and maintenance of deaths between 2015 and 2020, mortality rates are still high despite technological advances, generating a high cost for public coffers.


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How to Cite

Alexsander R, de Las Casas Bessa L, Dias Silveira AV, Gualberto Souza I, Silveira Ferreira GF, Pacheco Souza G, Schimdt França D. Epidemiological Analysis . BMS [Internet]. 2022 Apr. 12 [cited 2024 May 20];6(9). Available from: https://bms.ifmsabrazil.org/index.php/bms/article/view/224